Here are some of my thoughts on things that you can contemplate as you move forward in your life. There is a range of things to think about or do. I suggest that you choose anything from the following and find what is right for you. Feel free to help others by sharing these thoughts with others.
Spend some time thinking about your plans for the year ahead. I usually spend some time reviewing the past year before contemplating the next. It is often surprising what you have achieved/overcome or coped with over the past year. We sometimes do not notice what we have achieved and this is a good time to reflect and review.
When you have done that, then you can think about the months or year ahead.
Here are a range of things that you can do.
Firstly, think about the following options:
- What is important to me?
- Is what I am doing contributing to my goals?
- Am I looking after myself?
- How much time have I allocated for “me” time?
- What do I choose to focus on?
- Am I taking care of myself?
- How can I take care of others?
- What can I do to help me by improving my home and environment?
If you would like to learn more and read some of my answers to the questions above please feel free to join the waiting list for the Sue Ricks Academy by clicking here.