Geraldine Villeneuve’s work is such a substantial and highly effective addition to anything I’ve seen before in the field of reflexology. In 2016 I was lucky enough to see Geraldine in action and change the life of a gentleman that she was working on. This year I was lucky enough to welcome and host her to present at the UK Reflexology Conference where she opened the eyes of the audience to the incredible benefits of Structural Reflexology.
I was lucky enough to train with her and become one of the first reflexologists to train in Structural Reflexology in the UK.

Having been involved in reflexology and the healing arts since the early 1990’s, I find it amazing that this structural approach adds such a valuable addition to reflexology.

In my work with Gentle Touch Reflexology I have trained thousands of reflexologists in the practical, energetic and emotional aspects of reflexology. I know how important knowledge, self awareness and having a range of techniques are.

Adding Structural Reflexology to my repertoire has been completely fabulous. From the outset I found that I could detect where the structural imbalances were, sensed when to apply the appropriate movements to allow the person to make their new alignments. Watching and feeling the changes in people, their feet and the knock on effect into their bodies was remarkable.

I am now very excited to be taking this detailed knowledge forward and am so pleased that Geraldine has been taking the baton forward in keeping her teachings from others alive. Their combined knowledge is being brought forward by Geraldine.

I now know so much more about the effect of shoes, how we walk and what happens when we get it wrong…and yet how to put it right too!

It makes such sense that freeing up the tensions in the feet release the tensions in the body. What makes this different is that it’s about the structure of the feet with our additional knowledge and application of Reflexology.

Additionally I’m grateful I met Geraldine who is a genuinely lovely lady! Her mission to change the world through her knowledge of feet and shoes is fabulous!
I look at people’s shoes on a whole new light now!

Since training I’ve witnessed some incredible results.
One lady with multiple sclerosis who has severe balance issues experienced an immediate change in her feet and toes with associated improvement in her balance.

A gentleman with severe neck and shoulder pain found immediate and unexpected pain relief during and after his treatment. Before the treatment he had been coping with very tense feet that often cramped up, his toes had no movement at all. After the treament he could spread his toes, his feet were a better colour and felt more relaxed plus his corresponding next and shoulder reflexes and areas of the body felt greatly improved.

All quite amazing. Thank you for teaching me this skill Geraldine, your knowledge is required throughout the world.