Had a thought today to bring together some information about some reflexology books and maybe I will call today International Reflexology Book Day J
If you love reflexology there are some great new books around. I have featured several options below. Take a look at some reviews and flick throughs
Inherited Feet by Mauricio (Moshe) Kruchik
The Gentle Touch of Reflexology for Babies and Children by Sue Ricks
Three Steps to Enjoying Life by Sue Ricks
Reflexology for Fertility by Barbara Scott
Fantastic Feet by Sue Ricks
E-Motions, Energy in Motion by Sue Ricks
Reflexes: Physical and Emotional by AoR
And I know we are talking about books however you might also want to check out Sally Kay’s DVD RLD
To see more reviews and helpful videos please subscribe to my You Tube channel www.youtube.com/suericks