by Sue Ricks | Mar 29, 2008 | Reflexology
gHow fast time flies! We have had the BBC2 programme about Reflexology, my new professional training DVD’s have got to the final editing stage and here we are at the Indian head Massage Course already! It’s a beautiful day and the energy is high! Fabulous!...
by Sue Ricks | Mar 22, 2008 | Health Information, Life Skills & Observations, Personal Development
I have just been to see a friend and we have been chatting about a book that I bought for her last year. The book is The Secret by Rhonda Bryne. My friend has had a tough time recently and found that this book helped her enormously to be as positive as possible...
by Sue Ricks | Mar 21, 2008 | Health Information, Reflexology
Gritting your teeth and how to release it via Reflexology Stress seems to be one of the most common reasons why people come for reflexology. So many people are gritting their teeth and possibly grinding their teeth at night too. This can lead to facial pain, tooth...
by Sue Ricks | Mar 20, 2008 | Courses, Reflexology
I have just had a really great Indian Head Massage and would recommend it to anyone who can take the time out to relax. It is great for so many things including head and neck tension plus shoulder and upper back discomfort. I had just been to see my sister who...
by Sue Ricks | Mar 18, 2008 | Reflexology
I have just recieved this email about the new Alternative Medicine series on BBC2, Tuesdays. I was out and did not see last night’s episode. Here is information from David Waytes, Jubiliee College. I’ve just been watching BBC2’s program...